Relationship Anxiety Therapy Santa Rosa

Therapy to Get Unstuck from Worry and Stress-Filled Relationships


You’re stressing about your relationship 24/7

You are exhausted from the constant overthinking that keeps you up at night, analyzing the latest interaction with your partner. Don’t all relationships have problems? Am I over-reacting? Was I too sensitive?

You are paralyzed by the fear of a breakup because you are terrified to be alone.

“It’s Complicated”

You lack clarity of the relationship. You love them, but how do you make sense of all the moments of pain that occur? It leaves you confused and scared.

You desperately want to be able to stand up for yourself, but you feel confused and doubt yourself.

Everyday feels like survival… your body and mind are exhausted

You are noticing not only the emotional toll but the physical one. Headaches, upset stomach, racing thoughts, insomnia. It all feels too overwhelming.

You find yourself distracted from your school, job, responsibilities, friends and family, and at times, even your own self-care. You worry you are disappointing everyone around you.

You feel completely depleted at the end of the day and know you need to find a better way.

You’ve tried fixing it on your own (and nothing changes)

You’ve tried talking to friends and family, but their advice to “just focus on yourself” or “just breakup” isn’t good enough to address the deep unrest you feel.

You’ve tried the journaling, bought the self-help books, watched the “gurus” online, but you seldom really feel good and content in your relationships nor by yourself either.

You’re done pretending you don’t need help to fix this. You are ready for real change.


Get Clear on your Relationship

Build Real Self-Confidence

Find Emotional Stability

I’m Angela, Santa Rosa Therapist and I can help you with anxiety in relationships


Angela Sitka, LMFT, licensed therapist in Santa Rosa, CA


My name is Angela Sitka, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Santa Rosa, and I help adults who struggle in worry and stress-filled relationships.

I offer clinical counseling to clients seeking relationship clarity, relational self-confidence, and internal emotional stability.

It’s about bringing your best self to the relationship so that a healthy connection has room to develop.

Yes, relationships feel scary, but it is possible for you to learn how to meet your own internal needs so that you can get off the emotional roller coaster and actually enjoy your connections with others.

How Does Therapy Help with Relationship Anxiety?

Build confidence in managing conflict, voicing needs, and developing healthy boundaries with your partner (so you can finally be heard and understood!)

Regulation of your emotions so that next time you hit a bump in the road of your relationship it doesn’t send you on a tailspin!

Identify your attachment patterns in relationships so that you can stop the overthinking and begin acting with confidence in your relationships because you know yourself and your partner so well

Specialties include: codependency, relational boundary violations, emotional manipulation, relationship anxiety, emotional abuse, gaslighting, and navigating relationships with narcissistic personality disorder and borderline personality disorder individuals.

Get Started Today with Relationship Anxiety Therapy in Santa Rosa, Sonoma County and Online in California

It’s ok if you don’t know the road forward in this process, that’s my job.

You only need to take the next small step forward. I’d love to help you.

I know it can feel like a big step to call a therapist, but I’ll make it easy. We’ll spend 15-minutes on the phone and I’ll let you know how or if I can help.

If I am not the right person, I’ll do my best to get you to the right person. I look forward to hearing from you!

Click here to schedule your free phone consultation with a licensed therapist for relationship anxiety counseling in Santa Rosa, CA and online therapy throughout California.


It is time to call and get help.

You’ve waited long enough.